Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Sugar and Spice!

Welcome to our blog!

Sugar and Spice Coffee Shop recognized a growing trend of younger coffee drinkers in our nation.  Why limit the coffee consumptions to just the "Big Kids in College?"  Why can't you easily grab a coffee as you hurry off to school or work like your older siblings and parents?  Here at Sugar and Spice, we feel your pain and we will be here to remove this barrier.  Our competitive strategy is Cost Focused.  Our primary target will be towards high school students where we believe that our nation's craze with coffee is continually pushing the traditional age target even lower.  This untapped potential segment market can prove to be big for us.  Don't worry parents, our specially formulated coffee will have reduced caffeine.  In addition to our delicious blend of coffees, we also offer pastries and cold drinks (smoothies, iced tea, and etc) for our consumers.  We recognize that since most of our consumer base does not have much money, our drinks will be the lowest you can find around. Our mission is simple.

                                              Being the "Leader among our target segment"
                                                    Being the "Leader in customer service"
                                               Being the "Leader in ethical decision making"
                                                            Being the "Leader in cost"

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