Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Let's Go Home....!

After such a long day getting too much headache with Linear Algebra, World War II, and Base versus Acid, Want some fresh air? ? ? ?

Rather than going to a mall spending couples hundreds worthlessly, wandering on the sidewalk to nowhere, or sneaking into a bar illegally risking your own youth, why don’t you come have fun and enjoy a cup of coffee with your naughty buddies at Sugar and Spice Coffee Shop, our high-school friends? 

HEAVEN IS HERE! Our innovative interior design brings you all to a youthful, dream-like, and family-feel atmosphere.

Once you step in Sugar and Spice, we love to see you all become each other’s good brothers and sisters. And as always, we want to be a part of your life where you would come to laugh, to share, and to move on with a big happy smile shining on.

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