Saturday, June 2, 2012

More coffee you say?

We here at Sugar and Spice believes that no one should be denied access to deliciously brewed coffee at anytime, anywhere.  Our supply chain management enables us to efficiently deliver coffee to our consumers at any time within our service hours.  Here’s a sneak peak at how we do what we do everyday!
      1.  We order coffee beans from our local suppliers to ensure freshness and quality.  As a result, we are not only buying beans but we are also directly stimulating business in your local neighborhood!
            2. Our beans are grounded to perfection prior to business hours and are ready for you to enjoy when you stop by.
      3. Once our beans supply has reached a certain number, our local suppliers will be notified.  Due to our superior relationship and contract with these local suppliers, the replenishment of beans are swift.
      4. In event of emergency, we have backup suppliers to supply our beans.

As a result, our coffee is always available to you at a great price! 


Thursday, May 24, 2012

 New Rewards Program!

Our coffee shop has a state of the art database system of our regular customers. This enables us to have rewards system with the customers that visit us the most to make their life easier and ours at the same time. With this new rewards system, they must sign up with a form provided at the shop, enabling them to have their information stored in our system. With this, their favorite menu item is stored and what they usually order. They will receive a rewards card to attach to their keys and a regular card that fits in their wallet and they can swipe every visit. Now, all the customer has to say is the usual to order their usual order and on their tenth order they get a medium coffee or 2 donuts. This will create faster moving lines and benefits for those who visit us often. Also, for customers that have coming to us for a while, You will get birthday rewards, yearly awards and rewards for when you spend up to increments of $100. With this kind of database with everyone's personal information, we plan to have security software to make sure information does not leak out. We have implemented a password system and if there happens to be a real attempt at getting in with repeated failures we will be notified immediately and the police if it is a serious case. So please sign up for a rewards card to be put into our system for free rewards!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Let's Go Home....!

After such a long day getting too much headache with Linear Algebra, World War II, and Base versus Acid, Want some fresh air? ? ? ?

Rather than going to a mall spending couples hundreds worthlessly, wandering on the sidewalk to nowhere, or sneaking into a bar illegally risking your own youth, why don’t you come have fun and enjoy a cup of coffee with your naughty buddies at Sugar and Spice Coffee Shop, our high-school friends? 

HEAVEN IS HERE! Our innovative interior design brings you all to a youthful, dream-like, and family-feel atmosphere.

Once you step in Sugar and Spice, we love to see you all become each other’s good brothers and sisters. And as always, we want to be a part of your life where you would come to laugh, to share, and to move on with a big happy smile shining on.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Together, We celebrate Mother's Day

                                    "You taught me to be faithful
                                     So loving and so true
                                     Whenever I am lonely, Mom
                                     My thoughts come back to you

                                     You call just to say Hello
                                     Send me notes to say you care
                                     And when we get together , 
                                     Special moments we can share."

YES! "Special moments we can share"
Why shouldn't you experience a new way of celebrating Mother's Day this year? Come with us and enjoy the sweetest moments with your beloved Mom in our "My Mom & Me" coffee-making competition starting at 2pm on May 12. 

At Sugar and Spice Coffee Shop, we know how much you love your Mom, 
                               and we are here to help you express it. 

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Sugar and Spice!

Welcome to our blog!

Sugar and Spice Coffee Shop recognized a growing trend of younger coffee drinkers in our nation.  Why limit the coffee consumptions to just the "Big Kids in College?"  Why can't you easily grab a coffee as you hurry off to school or work like your older siblings and parents?  Here at Sugar and Spice, we feel your pain and we will be here to remove this barrier.  Our competitive strategy is Cost Focused.  Our primary target will be towards high school students where we believe that our nation's craze with coffee is continually pushing the traditional age target even lower.  This untapped potential segment market can prove to be big for us.  Don't worry parents, our specially formulated coffee will have reduced caffeine.  In addition to our delicious blend of coffees, we also offer pastries and cold drinks (smoothies, iced tea, and etc) for our consumers.  We recognize that since most of our consumer base does not have much money, our drinks will be the lowest you can find around. Our mission is simple.

                                              Being the "Leader among our target segment"
                                                    Being the "Leader in customer service"
                                               Being the "Leader in ethical decision making"
                                                            Being the "Leader in cost"